Monday, May 01, 2006


Before I post about Startup School, please familiarze yourself with the following links that way you have some sense of context, and what do you plan on doing with the next 10 minutes anyway?

the startup school homepage
paul graham (the whole thing was this man's brainchild. pay special attention to the "essays" section)
Y Combinator is the Venture Capital firm that played host to the event
Caterina Fake co-invented Flickr and spoke at the program
Mark Fletcher invented Bloglines and spoke
Page Mailliard spoke about legal issues when starting a company
Om Malik writes for "business 2.0" and spoke
Tim O'Reilly was there, too. He knows more about emerging internet technologies than anyone you've ever met.
Joshua Schachterinvented
George Willman told everyone about patents and patent law.
Ann Winbladis the self described "shortest Venture Capitalist in the Bay Area." She was long on good advice, though.

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