Friday, December 08, 2006

Summers in Charleston

We used to go to Charleston, SC every summer to visit the grandparents. Invariably, we'd sit by the phonograph and listen to this record of a story of a shark, kind of like Jaws, except it was a tiger shark, and it chased this family around terrorizing them as they searched for treasure in the murky depths of wherever they happened to be.

Always, we'd listen to this and then go to the beach, as a family. If I have grandchildren, they're going to be required to listen to recording of pained cries of people being eaten by monkeys just before we go to the zoo! Every summer!

Right now, I'm more scared of an octopus...

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1 comment:

dubC said...

does the octopus inject poison into the shark or something? cuz it looks like it's drowning the shark, but that doesn't make sense...