Monday, February 26, 2007

Scavenger Hunt Highlights

Disneyland was actually pretty fun. Almost everything that I got to do would've made my 3+ year old niece quite jealous, as she is a fan of all things "princess." Between rides and bouncing about with the glitterati, we snapped all 35 of the pictures on the list. Well, one item, "3 colors of cotton candy in the same shot" never got taken because all of Disneyland has only 2 colors, pink and blue. This was verified several times over by vendors of varying experience and heft. Here are some of my favorite shots from the day:

"10. Team member being kissed by a grandmother"

"15. Exact same pose as Snow White in the same picture"

"24. Swordfight between teammates"

1 comment:

dubC said...

aww, i want to see the rest! those were such a tease... :)