Saturday, June 02, 2007

I'm back

This has been a hectic few months, and I'm glad to say I'm a master now. I have a job that I start on June 4, and school finished well. I got an award for "exemplary student leadership" and I even got to give the student speech at graduation. If you don't believe me check out this picture for "proof"

I got to speak right before a nobel prize winner (second guy to my left, black robe, yellow tassel, red tie).

Afterward, I went for a vacation in Sedona, AZ, then back to Georgia for a wedding, and to my parent's double wide trailer (they're renting while they finalize plans for a house they are planning to build) at a donkey farm. Great to see everyone again, and please, catch up with me because I have the time now.

Bonus pic (stolen from flickr) of Sedona:

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